Healing Relaxing Massage


Healing Relaxing Massage

Wellness massage is an excellent way to calm the nervous system and increase circulation. The massage features light to medium pressure ensuring you leave feeling positively radiant and rejuvenated. During this massage we focus on calming the mind through breathing techniques for complete relaxation. This 60 minute massage is not aimed at solving any specific areas of pain or dysfunction but is aimed at balancing the whole body and calming the nervous system. This massage focuses largely on the upper back and shoulder area where we tend to hold tension, emotions and trauma. This treatment is only offered to women at this time.

Cost: $150 – 60 Minutes

Treatment Details

A wellness massage for relaxation and stress release treatment may help to:

  • Reduce muscle soreness
  • Decrease stress, anxiety and depression
  • Promote relaxation
  • Decrease muscle tension
  • Improve sleep

If you have questions about Facial or Body Massage Treatments, book a complimentary consultation with one of our skincare experts.


What our Clients are saying

Our clients mean the world to us. We exist to make a difference in their lives. Nothing makes us happier, than to hear the positive impact we are having on our clients lives.

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