Hale Derma Mask

Hale Derma Mask

Hydrogel Moisturizing Mask – HYDROGEL MOISTURIZING MASK – Super hydrating gel mask designed to calm the skin and rebalance the moisture barrier.

Available in clinic for purchase

  • Natural polymer hydrogel with seaweed soothes the skin and helps reduce redness. • Restores hydration to dry or dehydrated skin.
  • Contains growth factor proteins and natural ingredients that are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 and 9, calming agents, and anti- bacterial agents.
  • Mask comes in two parts, allowing for a perfect fit for every face.
  • Hydrogel technology inhibits the evaporation of moisture while delivering maximum absorption of mask solution.
  • Use a mask 1-2 times weekly to intensely calm and hydrate skin. Open the pouch and apply a mask to the skin.

If you have any questions about the products we carry at Studio Pure, please send us an email or book a complimentary consultation.


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